Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
Accounting Services
Providing financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner is a commitment that we feel can not be compromised. Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis. Our firm provides a full range of cost effective accounting services including the following:
*General ledger & financial statement preparation
*Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual)
*Accounting system setup for new businesses
*Computerized payroll services
*Business tax return preparation (Sales & Use/Business Property)
*Personal financial statements
*Litigation support
We view our role in the financial reporting process as an opportunity to provide constructive solutions for maximizing your company’s profitability and efficiency. We provide financial reporting on two levels of assurance:
*Review – some analytical procedures conducted with limited assurance
*Compilation – based upon client information provided and used primarily for internal use.
Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis and are the foundation of a successful business. Our qualified staff can assist you with the day-to-day tasks associated with bookkeeping.
Financial Statements
We can assist you in the preparation of your financial statements in accordance with professional standards, but express no opinion or any other form of assurance on the underlying information included in them. The financial statements produced can be a useful tool for management for making financial decisions.
Financial Forecasts & Projections
Forecasting is a necessity when trying to effectively manage and lead a business to profitability. From simple projections to complex financial modeling, our experienced staff can assist you in achieving your company’s financial goals.
Cash Flow & Budgeting Analysis
A business can be profitable and still run into trouble due to cash flow issues. We can forecast and evaluate your company’s financial condition, estimate financing requirements, and track cash-flow sources and uses.
Here’s how it works:
Once the tax documents are received by our office, it will be logged into our system. When we receive the signed engagement letter and all tax documentation and paperwork, an accountant will begin working on the return. The normal turnaround time is two weeks during early and mid-tax season. As the filing due date approaches, our turnaround time will be longer than the usual two weeks. The tax information must be submitted to us by the last week of March to allow enough time to properly complete the returns.
Our firm offers a hardbound copy or pdf copy of the tax returns when completed. There will be e-file authorization forms which needs to be signed and dated. Our firm requires receipt of signed forms via mail, fax or email before we can electronically file the returns.

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Certified Public Accountants
16872 Bolsa Chica Street Suite 202 Huntington Beach, CA 92649